So spring should be well underway now but unfortunately it has been set back a bit as a result of this horrible extended winter weather.
It appears to be warming up slowly but that will bring the infamous April showers. However if you can find a dry warm day to get out in the garden then there is plenty to be getting on with.
Lawns should be in full growth now even if it has been cold and should really be cut on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
Other spring lawn maintenance tasks should be undertaken such as spiking, feeding, weed and moss killing.
Daffodils and other spring bulbs can be dead headed and tidied once they have finished flowering but not cut back for a month (or as long as you can stand).
Young weeds will probably be popping up all over the place but can be easily suppressed with a quick hoe of the borders; this will stop the weeds from flowering and spreading seeds and will make the rest of the years weeding a lot easier.
Early large perennials can be tied and frames put in place to support the more fragile varieties
Pond maintenance can also be carried out but as it’s so cold at the moment it can probably be left until May.
Plants of note in April:
Bergenia cordifolia (elephants ears)